India Innovation Index 2020

Second edition of the Index puts Karnataka on top among the major states

An index is a single measure that tells us something. The Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index (sensex) is an indicator of the stock market.

The Wholesale Price Index and the Consumer Price Index are indicators of how prices are rising. Likewise, the India Innovation Index tells us a little bit about how the different states and union territories are doing as innovative business locations.

This is the second year that India is releasing the Innovation Index of its states. But India is not the only country to have such an index. There is also a Global Innovation Index (GII) which tracks and reports on innovative countries all over the world.
For India Innovation Index, the states were divided into 3 categories – 17 major states, 10 North Eastern and Hill states, and 9 City states and Union Territories.
According to the study, the most innovative states and union territories of India are:

An image showing the major states, city states and union territories.

A total of 36 indicators were used to arrive at the innovation index of a state. Of these, 32 were based on data, and 4 were composite (based on more than one number).