
The International Human Rights Day

The United Nations was formed in 1945, just after the Second World War. The entire world wanted nothing more than peace and equality.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the General Assembly on 10th December, 1948. It was, in many ways, the first international agreement on human rights, and a major victory for the UN.

In 1950, the first International Human Rights Day was observed, on the anniversary of the day in which this Declaration was adopted – 10th December.

For 70 years, International Human Rights have represented the dignity of being human.

But, what are these Human Rights? What do they say?

You can read all the Articles of this declaration on the website of UN.

OR, you could understand them using this interesting infographic that we have prepared specially for you. This graphic completely represents the important sections, and the core spirit of the International Human Rights.

The International Human Rights Infographic by The Children’s Post of India