Gold Reserve at Central Banks

Huge deposits of gold and copper discovered in Saudi Arabia’s Medina

Report by Yashasvi Anika Tandon

The Saudi Geological (related to geography of the earth, its structure, etc.) Survey announced that huge deposits of gold and copper have been discovered in Medina. Gold ore (raw form of any metal is called ore) was found within the Aba-Al-Raha and Umm-Al-Barak-Hejaz region; while copper ore was found at 4 places in the Al-Madiq and Wadi Al-Faraa region.

Saudi Arabia has more than 5,300 mineral locations including sites for gemstones, non-metal rocks, decorative rocks, diverse metals, and materials for construction.

Saudi Arabia aims to expand mining. It is under their Vision 2030 plan.

This discovery will be put down in the ‘List of Discoveries, 2022’ and will uplift Saudi Arabia’s economy. 

What is Mining?

Minerals are generally found below the surface of the earth (crust) and need to be extracted. Mining is the extraction of minerals from the earth.

Types of Mining

There are two main types of mining:


Surface Mining

When minerals are found near the earth’s surface, the upper layer is removed, and minerals are dug out. This is called quarrying or surface mining. It involves the removal of surface vegetation, dirt, bedrock, and other layers of the earth to reach the ore deposit. Coal and salt ore are usually mined in this way. First, the area where the mineral/rock is present, is located. Then the top layers of the soil and everything on it is removed to reach the ore. After that, the materials are extracted. Lastly, the materials are processed so that they can be sold.


Underground Mining or shaft mining

When minerals are found at considerable depth, a deep hole or shaft is dug. This is called shaft mining. Gold, silver, iron, and even diamonds are mined this way. This mining process involves digging deep into the ground to extract valuable minerals. When minerals like petroleum or natural gas are far below the earth’s surface, then mines are drilled and the mining process in called drilling.

Shafts (vertical rods) are used and deep tunnels of about 1,000 to 2,00 feet are dug in all directions using the blasting or drilling technique. Using an elevator, people are sent underneath the earth’s surface or under the ocean bed to extract the mineral, ore, or rock. Trucks carry the ore back to the earth’s surface through horizontal drifts or pathways dug up in the ground. The machines used for digging to extract oil, are known as rigs.

An oil rig on sea

The Mponeng gold mine is the world’s deepest shaft mine and is 4km deep!