The first photographic record of this species in the cold desert
The Himalayan Serow (scientific name – Capricornis sumatraensis) is a goat like antelope (belonging to hoofed mammals comprising of goat, sheep, deers, antelopes, etc.) which are seen mostly in the Great Himalayan national park, Kullu, and upper regions of Chamba district.
To the surprise of the wildlife division of Spiti, it was spotted near Hurling village in Spiti. The local people spotted it and informed them. They were able to capture it on a video!
In Himachal, it is known as Emu.
This is the first photographic record of this species in the cold desert of Spiti. The animal is included in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation for Nature) list in the near threatened category.
It is also listed in the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA)-1972 – Schedule 1 (an act to provide protection of wild animals, birds, and plants). This sighting of Himalayan Serow has created a belief that they are surviving and we need to conserve them.