Haulout od Walrus

Scientists identified a huge haulout of Walrus

Over 3000 Walruses were Found in Arctic Circle

Moscow, Nov 8: Russian scientists have identified a huge haulout- a place of refuge, where walruses gather together in a large crowd, reproduce, and socialise. Over 3,000 walruses on the shores were gathered at the Kara Sea in Yamal peninsula, Russia.

This haulout was unique because there were both female and male walruses and calves of different age.

Haulout of Walrus in Arctic Circle. Image Credits: Worldwildlife.org

Originally walrus haulouts were located only on drifting sea ice or on Arctic island. But because of the warmer climate cycle, sea ice is shrinking and their habitats (natural home) are under threat.

Scientists have taken DNA samples and fitted several walruses with satellite tags to monitor their movements. And see if there is a positive sign of an increase in their numbers.

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