Report by Samyukta Mallick
Mumbai, India: A new spider species was discovered in the city of India, Mumbai. It has been named Hasarius mumbai, after the city it was found in. The home of this spider is in a park in Mumbai – Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP).
It was found living near rocks and streams at the BNHS center (Bombay Natural History Society). The specimen was preserved and recorded through digital cameras to take microphotographs (photos shrunk to a much smaller size).
About the ‘Hasarius mumbai’
This spider has several eyes to be able to see a full 360-view of the surroundings.
The word ‘Hasarius’ means ‘jumping spider’.
These spiders pounce and hunt, instead of trapping prey in webs. This genus (a category of species) had first been discovered in 1826. Each spider’s body length ranges from 1 – 25 mm. Researchers have recorded their observations in an online journal which also includes pictures of the spider. It can be read here –

About the family of spiders – ‘salticidae’
This species is part of the salticidae family of spiders. This family had over 6,000 known species. The distinguishing feature of these spiders is that they have four pairs of eyes and the pair at the front are the largest. Salticidae depend on their rear legs to leap. They have a rectangular face which means that all 8 of their eyes are forward-facing. These are mainly found in tropical forests.
About the organization– Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
BNHS is an organization that studies biodiversity and nature in India. Its headquarters are based in Mumbai, India. The society has been chosen to be a ‘Scientific and Industrial Research Organization’ by the Department of Science and Technology.