Multi-protein, Multi-nutrition laddoos Pic for representation

Harappan people ate multigrain high-protein laddoos

India, Mar 27: In 2017, during an excavation of a Harappan archaeological site in western Rajasthan, about seven similar big brown ‘laddoos’ were discovered. These food balls, dating back to around 2600 BCE, were surprisingly well preserved. The Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP), Lucknow, and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), New Delhi, jointly conducted a study and it was recently published in the ‘Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports’ by Elsevier.

These laddoos when explored for their composition, wheat, barley, chickpea, and few other oil seeds were found in it. We know that the Harappan, the first urban civilization was mainly composed of agriculturists who were very conscious of the food they ate. So the high protein content makes sense.

So next time, when your mother forces you to eat healthy, don’t make a face. 😁

Multi-protein, Multi-nutrition laddoos Pic for representation
Multi-protein, Multi-nutrition laddoos Pic for representation