Image: The giant image of Buddha at Kamakura, Japan

Hanamatsuri Festival: Buddha Birthday being celebrated today in Japan

Buddha Poornima depends on the lunar calendar in India, but is celebrated today in Japan

Delhi, Apr 7: Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is revered all over the world. He was born on the full moon day of the 4th month of the Indian calendar. This day is called Buddha Poornima and is celebrated according to India’s lunar calendar every year. This year, in India, Buddha Poornima falls on May 26th. But in large parts of Japan (and some parts of US), Buddha Poornima is celebrated uniformly on April 8th every year. The festival is called Hanamatsuri (flower) Festival. It is customary to bathe a statue of the Buddha, as one bathes a new-born, in addition to offering prayers and doing flower decorations. 

Image: The giant image of Buddha at Kamakura, Japan
Image: The giant image of Buddha at Kamakura, Japan