Google’s Year in Search

Google is a search engine that is owned by a company called Alphabet Inc. This search engine is used for 92% of the web searches. (in 2021)

Every year, around December, Google releases the “Google Year In Search Report”.

It is based on search terms that were searched more in the current year than in the past year.

While this list is likely to be the same as the number of terms searched the MOST in a year, technically, that is not the definition of Year in Search.

This year, Google released its Year in Search Report – both by geography and by month of the year, and here are some interesting things that you might want to read about:

Neeraj Chopra was the most searched personality in India.

Alec Baldwin was the most searched personality globally.

In February, the world searched “How to start a business” more times than “How to find a job”.

Sustainability was searched more than ever before – worldwide.

The term “Road Trip” was searched more than ever before in the United States.

Y2K, at one time, stood for Year 2k or the year 2000. There was a major bug in the programs written in the 20th century. This bug would have reset almost all the dates in the world’s programs to 1900 (and not the year 2000) at 0001 hours, 2000 AD. This trend was called Y2K. This year, Y2K was searched more than every before globally.

In India, the number of searches for “What colour dress to wear in Navratri” was twice the number of searches in 2020.

Vaccine trended in some form or another all over the world, and in most countries individually – how to get a vaccine near me, vaccine, and other related terms.

Important: Google does not provide actual search numbers. Google also does not provide a way to validate this report. This news item is based on the data released by Google in the Google Year in Search report.