Giant Spider Web in Eastern Victoria; Image Credit: Carolyn Crossley

Giant Spider Webs envelope Victoria – Report by Ananya Singh

Victoria, June 21: Over the last week, severe storms and floods affected the eastern parts of Victoria, Australia, forcing people to evacuate their homes. Over 300 people were relocated to safer areas due to a high risk of flooding. The floods also forced numerous spiders living near the river to search for higher and drier land. Many spiders let loose their silk threads during their journey which caught onto the vegetation. They then used these as leverage to swing towards higher grounds. They continued to do this until a giant spider web formed as a result of their combined effort.

They covered the grass and bushes. Some strands were even as high as to snag onto tree branches. The last time such a phenomenon took place was in 2015 and the locals termed it a beautiful site as something rare came from dangerous flooding. Some even mistook it to be a net till they saw the tiny spiders scurrying all over the threads, hanging and swinging.

Giant Spider Web in Eastern Victoria; Image Credit: Carolyn Crossley
Giant Spider Web in Eastern Victoria; Image Credit: Carolyn Crossley