Israel, June 12: Israeli archaeologists have discovered for the first time a 1000-year-old intact chicken egg during a recent excavation in the city of Yavne, Israel. It was found in a Byzantine-era (around 330 to 1453 A.D) industrial complex. The excavation was done by the Israel Antiquities Authority.
The egg had been preserved for centuries in human waste inside a cesspit (a pit for disposal of sewage waste). It had a small crack through which most of its contents seem to have flown out over the years. They have preserved the remaining yolk for future DNA analysis. Along with the egg, three dolls made out of bone and an oil lamp was found. The lamp was of a type only made during the late Abbasid period that is about 1,000 years ago, so they confirmed that the egg also belong to that time.
News inputs by Gurmehar.