V for victory Mr. Bow Mascot

Empower Journalists – 2022 batch – Selections Start Now!

Mr. Bow thinks it is time you showed your true potential. 

After the phenomenal success of the Empower Journalists Batch of 2021, we are now inviting entries for Empower Journalists, Batch of 2022.

But first, don’t you want to know what the Empower Journalists have to say about their experience being EJs?

Ananya Singh shares her experience here:

The other Journalists shared their experience of being an EJ in 2 words. Here is the Word Cloud of that one:

As an Empower Journalist you will get trained, and then work as a real journalist with TCP.

Feedback of Manjima Nandi

Parent of Empower Journalist Aarya Krishnan

The Empower Journalist initiative is a one-of-its-kind immersive platform for children to get inside the world of journalism. I was superbly impressed with the well-rounded training program imparted to the kids, where actual journalists and reputed writers came in for live sessions to give their invaluable insights and advice.

Each assignment given, was carefully crafted to allow the youngsters to focus on every aspect of journalism; be it writing, video shooting, voice modulation or even body language. And at the end of it, these children actually got to be โ€œrealโ€ journalists, publishing for a paper, that is well known and well-loved across the country.

In case of my child, this not only helps her with her general writing skills (something she will realize much later in life), but it also helps her to stay abreast of the world news (something I was desperately trying to do but in vain). Plus, of course the high she gets every time she sees her name in the newspaper. Thank you TCP team, for giving her this fantastic opportunity!

– Manjima

Here are the details: 

What is the Empower Journalists Program? 

The Empower Journalists Program is the realisation of a dream that was sowed by Ananya Singh, our young reader, many months ago. She wrote to us that she would like to write features for the paper. She wrote some brilliant ones. Then, there were other readers too, sending awesome stuff that was also original. 

Slowly, we woke up to the ambition and ability of our children. 
What followed was a brainstorming session where we discussed whether we should have young journalists, and how we will operationalise it. 
In short, The Empower Journalists Program is a program which gives a peek into the world of journalism, and is open to students who are 10-18 years old. 

What does it offer? 

The program includes: 

A. A 6 week training module on journalism which includes writing, photo journalism, research, public speaking, interviewing skills, and video journalism. 

B. On completion of the training module, you will be a part of The Children’s Post Empower Journalists Program and will routinely write for The Children’s Post of India. 

C. Opportunity to do news reportage, video journalism, and photo journalism. (video journalism only if you are above 13 years of age) 

D. Opportunity to do awesome interviews and write research based feature content. 

E. An experience certificate for journalism on the completion of the program. 

F. Opportunity to mentor the subsequent batches. 

The 2022 Batch will work for 12 months – from Jan 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022.

Who can be a part of the program? 

Any Indian student, whether homeschooled or in formal school, can be a part of the program, if they are between between the ages of 10-18 (last completed year as on Oct 1, 2021). 

What are the charges? 

There are NO CHARGES.

No registration charge, no participation fee, no processing charges, nothing.

We bear all the expenses. 

Selection is entirely on the aptitude of the child. 

There are no charges, not even nominal, for the training. We pay for that too ๐Ÿ™‚ 

How does one join? 

It is very easy to apply for the program. 
Just fill up this form: 


If there is a need, we will get in touch with you for a telephonic discussion. Otherwise, the selection will be based on the form. 

So, what are you waiting for? Go for it!

Mr. Bow, and the editor aunties, are waiting! 

Important Dates

Form Opens: September 20th, 2021

Form Closes: October 10th, 2021

Results: October 25 , 2021 

Training Starts: You can complete your training at any time before December 10th. The kick off session and a couple of other sessions are necessary. The others can be seen at your convenience. Every week’s assignment is due by Wednesday.