Eid-ul-Fitr worldwide

Saudi Arabia, the country where Mecca-Madina, the most sacred site of the Muslims, is located, has confirmed that the crescent moon of Eid-ul-Fitr has been sighted.

Kerala, the only Indian state to celebrate Eid based on the moon sighting in Saudi Arabia, will mark Eid on Friday, April 21st.

In India, different states use different methods to decide the celebration of Eid, but usually they all fall on the same day. The Shahi Imam announces in some states, in some states, the Markazi Ruet-e-Hilal Committee (Moon Sighting Committee) meets to decide.

It is likely that Eid will be celebrated in other parts of India on Saturday, April 22nd.

Thailand, Japan, and India have reported that the Eid moon was not sighted today.

Eid ul Fitr is also called Meethi Eid or Senviya Eid.