It’s a festive season not just in India but in Nepal as well. The 5-day festival is called ‘Tihar’ and each day of the festival is celebrated as follows:
Day 1: Kaag Tihar: The Nepalis worship crows and ravens to ward off sadness and grief.
Day 2: Kukur Tihar: On this day, they worship dogs as they are the vahana (vehicle) of a manifestation of Lord Shiva (Bhairav). This day also acknowledges the pure and loving relationship between a man and a dog.

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Day 3: Gai Tihar or Lakshmi Puja: Cows are worshipped in the morning as they signify prosperity and wealth. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in the evening by lighting diyas and candles.
Day 4: Govardhan Puja: This day is celebrated by worshipping oxen. In India, it is marked by making an image of Shri

Day 5: Bhai Tikka: Known as Bhai Dooj in India. In Bengal, it is called Bhai Pota. This day marks the loving relationship between a brother and a sister. The sisters apply tikka (red vermillion) on their brother’s forehead and pray for their long lives.