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DCGI approves Anti-Covid drug developed by DRDO for emergency use

New Delhi, May 11: Defence Research and Development Organization has developed a drug to treat COVID patients. It does not work like a vaccine, but its molecules fasten the recovery of patients who are already suffering from the disease and are oxygen-dependent. This anti-`COVID drug is named 2-DG (2-deoxy D-glucose). 2-DG is developed by INMAS (Institute Of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Science) in collaboration with Dr. Reddy’s Lab in Hyderabad. INMAS is a lab of DRDO. The clinical trials for the drug were carried out between March 2020 and March 2021. “It accumulates in the virus infected cells and prevents its growth by stopping viral synthesis and energy production,” the ministry said. 2-DG drug comes in a powdered form in a sachet and can be taken orally by dissolving it in water.  – News by Aryaa Sinha

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