Petr Fiala Czech Republic Image Credit: Twitter@P_Fiala

Czech President appoints Petr Fiala as PM of Czech Republic

The President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zemon, appointed Petr Fiala as the Head of the new
Government on Sunday, 28th November 2021.

He is the leader of the Together coalition that won the general election in October 2021. The three party Together coalition (including Civil Democratic Party, Christian and Democratic
Party, and TOP 09 party) won 27.12% votes in the Parliamentary Election.

The coalition then joined forces with another party to get the 108-seat majority. The Parliament
of Czech Republic has 200 members and party that wins at least 50% seats in the election is invited to form the government.

Petr Fiala succeeds Andrej Babis, leader of the ANO party. He served as the PM of the Czech Republic from December 2017 to November 2021.