Comics withdrawn from news publications

Lee Enterprises owns 77 newspapers in the US.

Last week, they stopped the publication of comics like Dilbert, Bizarro, Baby Blues, Snuffy Smith, etc.

Dilbert was pulled from 77 newspapers within a week.

Dilbert is a comic strip focused on the corporate office.

Bizarro is a general interest comic strip.

The company has said that this is being done to standardise content across all its publications. The editorial teams of the newspapers have not made a public comment.

What readers feel

As one can imagine, readers are not happy about this.

In letters to the editor, readers have wondered why the comics and puzzles are being reduced in newspapers. (We have the same question. In the 1980s, children had an entire 4-page supplement. Today, they barely have a quarter page of comics, stories, and puzzles.)

Some readers have also written that the owners of the publication – Lee Enterprises, is hurting the paper.

So, where do we go for comics now?

Dilbert has a subscription service under which you can get the daily Dilbert comic strip in your email inbox. However, this gives no money to the creator.

Bizarro comics can also be read on their website.

Glasbergen is available on its website too. is a good website to read multiple comic strips.

If you like Amar Chitra Katha, you can read them either as books or on their app.

If you want more comics and memes, you can try out our laughter section.

And, of course, if one wants more comics in the newspaper, one can write to their newspaper editor to ask for them to be included.