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Anti-trust lawsuit against Google Play Store by Padma Priya

State Attorney Generals from 36 states, as well as the District of Columbia (acting as Plaintiff), have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Alphabet Inc’s Google (defendant), for its Play Store practices.

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Google: We really are listening to every word you say!

Google employees do listen to Hello, Google (and other) conversations in India

Google admitted that when users say “Hello, Google” on their smartphones or speakers, it is not just AI that listens to what the users are saying. Some Google employees listen in too.

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भारत प्रेक्षक के रूप में जिबूती (Djibouti) आचार संहिता में शामिल हो गया/ India joins Djibouti Code of Conduct as an Observer

भारत, 19 सितंबर: जिबूती आचार संहिता / जेद्दा संशोधन (DCOC / JA), लाल सागर( Red Sea), अदन की खाड़ी(Gulf of Aden), अफ्रीका के पूर्वी तट और हिंद…

Read More भारत प्रेक्षक के रूप में जिबूती (Djibouti) आचार संहिता में शामिल हो गया/ India joins Djibouti Code of Conduct as an Observer