आइए मिलें – बालकनामा से! Interview with Balaknama

देहरादून में एक Residential Workshop हुआ था. पर इस Residential Workshop मे क्या खास है? यह Residential Workshop था सड़क पर रहने वाले बच्चों के…

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Bhuvan: India in 3D and so much more

All of us have seen Google maps and the satellite images of our neighbourhood. Can you tilt the image just a little bit and go…

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Saint Rishi

Sanskrit Sukti on being prudent

ऋणशेषं चाग्निशेषं शत्रुशेषं तथैव च व्याधिशेषं च नि: शेषं कृत्वा प्राज्ञो न सीदति अर्थ ऋण (कर्ज़), अग्नि , शत्रु, और व्याधि (बीमारी) को शेष न…

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Some GIS Portals that all of us should know about

Here are some amazing GIS (Geospatial Information System) portals made for Indians. All of them take data from ISRO satellites (Indian satellites, no foreign dependence)…

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