आइए मिलें – बालकनामा से! Interview with Balaknama

देहरादून में एक Residential Workshop हुआ था. पर इस Residential Workshop मे क्या खास है? यह Residential Workshop था सड़क पर रहने वाले बच्चों के…

Read More आइए मिलें – बालकनामा से! Interview with Balaknama

कठिन समय में पढ़ाना: डॉ सपन कुमार के साथ एक हृदयस्पर्शी बातचीत

श्रेया अगरवाल द्वारा साल २०२०, एक साल, जब सब कुछ थम सा गया। COVID-19 के प्रकोप व लॉकडाउन की वजह से हमारे जीवन में एक…

Read More कठिन समय में पढ़ाना: डॉ सपन कुमार के साथ एक हृदयस्पर्शी बातचीत
Col Parikshit Mehra

How the Rohtang Tunnel was built and other stories: Interview with Col. Parikshit Mehra

A freewheeling chat with Col. Parikshit Mehra on being an engineer with the Indian Army, and on the super speciality expertise – high altitude tunnelling.
An exhilarating journey from Arunachal to Rohtang that started with a B Tech from DDIT, Gujarat.

Read More How the Rohtang Tunnel was built and other stories: Interview with Col. Parikshit Mehra

The Life of a History Author, Entrepreneur, and a Specialist on KBC: Meet Ms. Archana Garodia Gupta

A detailed, free-wheeling chat with Ms. Archana Garodia Gupta, on everything from her childhood, to Touchstone, to being an author, and life lessons.

Read More The Life of a History Author, Entrepreneur, and a Specialist on KBC: Meet Ms. Archana Garodia Gupta