Caspian Sea monster Picture. Image Credits: can

‘Caspian Sea monster’ rises

The Lun-class ekranoplan, known as “The Caspian Sea Monster,” is a mixture of a boat, a plane, and a monster, and was moved for the first time in 30 years. It could move over water without actually touching it. It first entered service in 1987, and the ekranoplans covered the vast inland body of water between the Soviet Union and Iran. It was once fitted with eight turbofans which could travel with speeds of up to 340 mph, and launch six anti-ship missiles from flight. It will be displayed as the centerpiece in a new military museum called Patriot Park, that will display different sorts of Soviet and Russian military equipment in the city of Derbent.

Ground effect vehicles such as Ekranoplans, skim the surface of water at a height of between 3 to 16 feet.