An adult Cicada Image Credit: Pixabay

Brood X cicadas emerge after 17 years

East Coast (US) June 21: Billions of cicadas, known as Brood X cicadas, emerged in numerous U.S. states along the east coast in mid-May (X in Brood X is the Roman numeral 10). They form the largest known group of periodic cicadas which emerge every 17 years. Cicadas are large insects in the Cicadoidea family with big eyes, transparent, veined wings, and short antennae. Cicadas are thought to number between 3,000 and 4,000 species worldwide, although the 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas are peculiar to eastern North America.

Periodical cicadas spend more than 99 percent of their lives underground. They will only spend four to six weeks above ground after emerging from underground to complete their life cycle. Cicadas produce buzzing mating calls that can reach up to 100 decibels. After mating, each female cicada lays hundreds of eggs on tree branches. The mature cicadas will die after this. When the eggs hatch, the young cicada nymphs fall off the branches and burrow underground, and will resume the 17- year cycle. They will again emerge only in 2038.

Cicadas are generally not dangerous. However, the sheer numbers that emerge causes some unpleasant experiences for ordinary people. They made headlines when they caused a six-hour delay on the White House press charter plane, which was intended to accompany President Joe Biden on his European visit. A Maryland confectionery firm, on the other hand, is creating chocolate- covered Cicadas as a treat. 

With inputs from Gurpreet Kaur.

 An adult Cicada Image Credit: Pixabay
An adult Cicada Image Credit: Pixabay