Border Security Force is a very special type of force. The personnel of the BSF work specially to protect the borders of India, both in peace time and when India is at war.
The Force was raised because on 9th April 1965, Pakistan attacked Sardar Post, Chhar Bet, and Beria Bet (all of these are border areas) in Kutch. This surprise attack showed that India’s borders need a special force for safeguarding them.
To meet this need, the Border Security Force was raised on 1st December 1965.
During peace time, the force patrols (keeps an eye on) the border areas, ensures that no one enters the borders without legal papers, and gives a sense of security to the residents of border areas. From 1965 to October 2021, they covered an area about 15 kilometers from the international border of India. In October this year, their responsibility was increased. Now, they have to cover an area up to 50 kilometers from the international border.
During war time and at the time of a natural disaster, BSF personnel play the same role as Indian Army personnel. They help in relief and rescue operations. During the earthquake in Gujarat on 26th January 2001, BSF was the first to reach out to help the distressed people.
On December 1st, 2021, BSF celebrated its 57th Raising Day.
Many events were organised to mark the event. They were wished by, among others, the Indian Army, Indian Air Force, SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal), CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force), Indian Coast Guard, the Prime Minister, and the Vice President of India.
You can also read the official history of BSF here: