Book Review: Marple: Twelve New Mysteries

Marple, Marple, Marple! The world’s unlikeliest detective!
Most successful detectives are anti-social, and men.
Marple is neither. In creating Marple, Agatha Christie created a role model and a completely different genre of detective fiction – the bumbling person who is unsure of themselves but oh, so sure of what happened, and usually spot on.

Nemesis is my favourite, because in that story, Marple comes into her own and takes her pride of place confidently among the greatest detectives in fiction.

Therefore, these twelve stories featuring Marple are a delight. She retains her soft demeanour, but is otherwise a confident person.

One can’t say that the writing appears to be Christie – for all 12 stories, but there are a few stories that read just like the original Marple series.

The thing that is most certainly Christie and Marple, however, is the brilliance of each plot. Every single story is a delight to read.
This book is highly recommended for all age groups. Do add it to your summer reading list.