Blue Whale. Credits - Trisha Singh Rajput

Blue Whales Return to South Georgia

Blue Whales Extinction is a great threat, the reasons are many, especially due to commercial whaling

Boston, Nov 20: Blue whales are the largest animals that have ever lived on our Earth. Their numbers came down drastically because of commercial whaling a few centuries ago and they were once on the brink of extinction. Commercial whaling is the practice of hunting and killing whales for their oil, meat, or bones.

South Georgia is an island near the Antarctic region and was a very big center for whaling in the early 20th century. Only one blue whale sighting was reported between 1998 and 2018 in the waters around this island, but in a survey conducted earlier this year, scientists noticed 58 blue whale sightings, which is astonishing.

This is a good news to the threat of Blue Whale extinction. And this can be taken as a signal that the whale population is recovering and it is making a comeback in the waters around this sub-Antarctic island.

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