Representative image of vaccination vials (bottles)

Bharat Biotech announces interim results of third phase trials

81% interim efficacy

Delhi, Mar 3: Bharat Biotech, the manufacturer of Covaxin, today shared interim (partial, while the entire data is being collected) results of Phase III trials of the vaccine. The vaccine has been found to have 81% interim efficacy.

The company statement reads: “Covaxin demonstrated 81% interim efficacy in preventing Covid-19 in those without prior infection after the second dose.”

Almost 25,800 people have taken both the shots of the vaccine. The final results of the vaccine efficacy will be shared later.

Covaxin is the first Covid vaccine to be completely developed and made in India.

Bharat Biotech Limited has already contracted to send 20 million doses of the drug to Brazil. Earlier this week, the French ambassador also paid a visit to the Bharat Biotech factory in Hyderabad.

Bharat Biotech has taken just 8 months to go from design to Phase 3 trials.

Representative image of vaccination vials (bottles)
Representative image of vaccination vials (bottles)