The Throne Speech on Sep 15, 2020, by Dame Sandra Mason, announcing that Barbados will be a Republic . Image Credit: Twitter @gisbarbados

Barbados celebrates the penultimate day as a constitutional monarchy

400 years after the first colonial ships arrived in Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean Island has
paved way to remove Queen Elizabeth II as its official sovereign.

Dame Sandra Mason and democratically elected Mia Mottley will assume charge as the Barbadian President and Prime Minister respectively.

Celebrations began late Monday evening to mark the penultimate (final) day of Barbados as a constitutional monarchy and to mark the making of the world’s newest Republic.

A constitutional monarchy is a form of government where a monarch (king or queen) acts as the Head of the State with their powers defined by the Constitution.

Barbados is not just making political history; it is also making metaverse history.

On November 14th, the Barbados Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade signed an agreement with Decentraland, a virtual reality platform, to become the first country in the world to have an embassy in the virtual world.

The embassy will be launched in January 2022.

Decentraland is a virtual real estate company that owns 90,000 parcels of land (unit of digital land). This land is available only in virtual reality and can be bought using Ethereum (a type of cryptocurrency).