Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan: The Northern Report

Here is a quick report on some important events in 3 countries – Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan.

The fighting in Armenia and Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan and Armenia are neighbouring countries near the Caspian Sea

For the last 11 days (since Sep 27), Azerbaijan and Armenia have
been fighting. Both countries accuse each other of starting the issue. Other countries, including Russia, Iran, Syria, France, and US have implored both
countries to stop fighting.

Armenia has said that Turkey is sending people to fight in Azerbaijan. Turkey has not responded.

Kyrgyzstan Election Results annulled

Kyrgyzstan is a part of erstwhile USSR

In Kyrgyzstan, the results of parliamentary elections were annulled (declared invalid) after protestors took control of government buildings within 24 hours of the declaration of results. They want elections to be held again.