Confident person

Why Publish with us? 

The Children’s Post of India publishes only e books. 

Here is what makes us special as publishers:
A. The rights to the book remain with the author. Which means that you can publish with us and publish a physical book with another publisher, based on this selection.

B. The author has complete control over the finishing and layout of the book. We only publish the finished book.

C. While most publishers offer a 10% royalty, we offer a straight 50% royalty. It is the highest that I am aware of.

D. Books are selected purely on merit.

How this works 

Our process is very simple. 

We call for submissions periodically. 

During that time, please submit your manuscripts with a few other details. 

For each window, give us about 2 months to process the entries. 

All our books are published as ebooks and are available at our own store, and at our store on – that store is in collaboration with 

Once the book is selected for publication, we start the Author Agreement, onboarding. and finally, listing! 🙂 

We only accept final books. We do not provide editorial, illustration, or other services. 

We are not a self-publishing enabler. Books that are published by The Children’s Post have to be approved by the Editorial Team. 

While we do accept almost all kinds of books, we are best suited to children and young adults – both fiction and nonfiction. 

Submissions are not currently open.