Clouded Leopard Image credits: Wikipedia

Assam gets two new national parks added to its list of five

Guwahati, June 15: Raimona forest reserve, Kokrajkar district, and Dehing Patkai wildlife sanctuary, Tinsukia district, have been added to the list of national parks in Assam. They were added on the 5th and 9th of June, respectively. The five older National Parks in the state are Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri, Orang, and Dibru- Saikhowa. With this, Assam becomes the state with the third highest number of National Parks in India (7). Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of National Parks (12), and Andaman and Nicobar Islands is second in the list with 9 parks.

Dihing Patkai is a major elephant habitat, along with 47 species of mammals, (including tiger and clouded leopard), 47 species of reptiles, several bird species (including White Winged Wood Duck), and 310 butterfly species. Raimona is home to the golden langur, elephant, tiger, clouded leopard and Indian gaur, along with diverse fauna.

-With news input from Shreya Agarwal

Clouded Leopard Image credits: Wikipedia
Clouded Leopard Image credits: Wikipedia