Apple, Facebook, Whatsapp, our privacy, and us

Once upon a time, there lived a company called Apple. It created the most expensive phones on the market. It has grown to become one of the most successful technology companies in the world. Apple is 4th on the Fortune 500 list of 2020. Fortune is a magazine in the US that lists companies by their value. (Read the information boxes to understand the companies).


Makes smartphones, computers, and other user devices. Has its own operating system which cannot be used by any other phone maker. Has its own app store. Developers can register on the app store and develop apps for Apple devices. From iOS14, all app makers have to declare to the user how they are tracking and using their data.

Facebook and Whatsapp

Facebook is the world’s largest social media site and appears at No. 46 in the Fortune 500 list of 2020. It bought Instagram and Whatsapp from their founders. Whatsapp is the world’s most used message service.
In January 2021, all users got a message that they need to accept Whatsapp’s new terms of use, or leave the service by February 8th , when the new rules come into force.

Here is the story:

December 2020
iOS App Tracking Transparency Feature
iOS 14 is launched (OS in iOS stands of Operating System. Operating System is the core program that allows humans to use their computing devices like laptops and phones). Apple announces that in early 2021, all developers (people who write apps for our phones), have to declare:

  • Data used to track you
  • Data linked to you
  • Data not linked to youThis feature is called App Tracking Transparency Feature. Users can decide how much they want to be tracked by which app.

Facebook protests

Now, for some reason, Facebook does not like that feature at all. So, it releases full page advertisements in The New York Times and other newspapers that business owners lose about 60% sales when personalised ads are not served, so it wants to stand up for small businesses.Apple responded by saying that it is standing up for its users. Apple also said that it is not stopping Facebook from tracking users. But they have to tell the user how they are being tracked and what information is being used.The analysts are not impressed either. Financial analysts in the US have predicted that this move by Apple will make it harder for Facebook to earn ad revenue, because people are not likely to give the data that is taken at the moment.

January 2021
Update to Whatsapp’s Terms of Service on January 4th and 5th , millions of users of whatsapp were surprised to see a popup when they tried to use their whatsapp. The popup had a short message – users will have to either accept the new terms of service, or stop using Whatsapp by February 8 , when the new guidelines come into force.

Question for you: What would you rather have – online privacy, or social media?