And The Children’s Post Word of the Year 2021 is…

After days of voting and discussion, the readers of The Children’s Post of India have selected the Word of the Year 2021.

The word that won with an overwhelming majority is:


Think about it – Vaccination – Trying to stay indoors – go out – manage things – this entire year has been an adventure!

The word was suggested by Smayra Mehta, who is an Empower Journalist of the 2022 Batch (currently undergoing training).

Adventure received an overwhelming 43% of all votes, even though the shortlist was rather long – there were 12 words to choose from!

The word that came second was Friendship. It got almost 18% votes.

So, enjoy the adventure that 2021 has been, and all the best for 2022! 

Word of the Year is announced by dictionaries and publications towards the end of the year.

Some of the other Words of the Year 2021 are:

Oxford Dictionaries – Vax

Cambridge Dictionary – Perseverance

Collins Dictionary – NFT

Merriam-Webster – Vaccine