Weather records in Alaska are available from 1953 onwards.
On Sunday, the island community of Kodiak recorded a temperature of 67 F (19.4°C) degrees. This is the highest ever recorded temperature in Alaska.
Over the last week, temperature in Alaska has been higher than average. At this time of the year, the weather is usually dry and cold. But this week, the place experienced snowfall, followed by rain. This led to a situation where the ice stuck to the road like cement. The administration has said that it will take time to clear the roads.
Today, the Alaskan Weather Station reported that at least two areas – Nome and Fairbanks have created a record for December precipitation (rain + melted snow).
Conversely, Ketchikan recorded a lowest temperature of -17.7 degrees C (or 0 degrees F) – the first time ever.
Alaska is not the only American state dealing with unexpected weather. The Northern part of US has been reporting low temperatures while the southern part is experiencing heat.
Western Canada has also issued an extreme cold warning for its citizens. At the time of writing this report, the warning applies to Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, North West Territories, Saskatchewan, and North Ontario.