Myotis nimbaensis Credits: Twitter of American Museum of Natural History & Fiona Reid

A Spectacular New species of Bat found in West Africa

Black- and Orange-Coloured

Scientists on an expedition to preserve a bat species found in the long-abandoned mining tunnels of Nimba Mountains of Guinea in West Africa were surprised to identify a new variety of bat species. It was a fiery, double-coloured bat with a fluffy orange body and black wings.

To prove a species to be a new one, scientists have to go through a long journey of analysing data from various sources. They compare the structural and functional features and genetic data to prove it.

Scientists from the American Museum of Natural History described this new species. It was named Myotis Nimbaensis (named after the mountain range where it was found). It is an important discovery in West Africa’s bat biodiversity. Bats play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of the world.

Myotis nimbaensis
Credits: Twitter of American Museum of Natural History & Fiona Reid
Myotis nimbaensis
Credits: Twitter of American Museum of Natural History & Fiona Reid