8 Indian beaches get international ‘Blue Flag’ Certification

Set to rank amongst the world’s cleanest beaches

India had submitted names of 8 beaches for the prestigious international ecolabel, Blue Flag on 18th September 2020. The Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar announced on Sunday, 11th October, that all the entries for the coveted eco-label were approved for the certification. This is a proud moment for India as it is the first country to get all its entries approved.
Blue Flag certified beaches are the cleanest beaches of the world. The beaches are judged on the basis of 33 strict criteria under 4 major categories –

  1. Environment education and information,
  2. Bathing water quality,
  3. Environment management and conservation,
  4. Safety, Services, and accessibility at the beach

Blue Flag Certification is a globally recognized ecolabel awarded by ‘Foundation for Environmental National Day of Taiwan 2011 , Denmark to beaches, marinas, and sustainable boating tourism operators.
India has also been awarded the third prize for international best practices for pollution control in coastal regions.