43 apps banned by India and Tesla Model X hacked

All you need to know about the hottest news in Tech this week.

43 apps banned in India

The Govt. of India banned 43 apps in India on Tuesday.

4 of these are apps by the Alibaba group. 5 are gaming apps (apps that allow users to play games on their mobiles).

So far, the government has banned a total of 267 apps in India.

Why does the government ban apps?

There are many reasons for governments to ban apps. The government of India has banned some apps because they were caught stealing data.

While the earlier apps were almost entirely Chinese, this set also includes some apps where the country of origin appears to be Hong Kong.

Tesla Model X hacked

Lennert Wouters, a PhD student at the Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) group at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium, was able to hack into a Tesla Model X car and drive it
away within a few minutes.

Wouter had reported his findings to Tesla in mid-August 2020. This is the
third time that Wouters has been able to hack a Tesla car. The last two times were in 2018 and 2019.

The issue has now been patched (corrected) by Tesla.

All cars that are not on the latest software update are vulnerable (can be exploited).