250 coffins with mummies and Other Artefacts Discovered in Saqqara near Cairo, Egypt

Report by Yashasvi Anika Tandon

A collection of ancient artefacts from Egypt has been discovered in the Bubastian Cemetery, Saqqara Necropolis.

Bubastian gets its name from the Egyptian cat goddess, Bast.

Bubastian Cemetery was renamed Cemetery of Sacred Animals as archaeologists found numerous mummified animals and statues of Egyptian gods and goddesses here.

250 painted, wooden coffins in good condition have been discovered including those of 59 priests. Amulets have also been unearthed along with the coffins.

The largest bronze statue collection ever, with150 bronze statues, has been unearthed.

All of these mummies and artefacts are about 2,500 years old.

A few bronze statues include Anubis (Egyptian God of death, the underworld, and afterlife before Osiris overtook his position in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt), Osiris, Nefertem (Egyptian God of lotuses, perfume and aromatherapy), Isis (Egyptian goddess of fertility, motherhood, medicine, and magic. She is also the guardian of the dead), and Hathor (Egyptian goddess of the sky, and also the mother of Pharaohs).

A 10-yard long papyrus roll with several chapters of the ‘Book of the Dead’ has been excavated.

Till now, only 100 yards of the 440 yards long site has been dug up. Builder of the Saqqara pyramid, architect Imhotep’s statue, has been excavated as well. Cosmetics, kohl containers, earrings, and bracelets have been found too.

All Images from Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiques.