2022 Nobel Prize for Literature, Peace, and Chemistry Announced 

Report by Aryaa Sinha

Nobel prize for Literature

Nobel prize for Literature 2022 has been awarded to a 82-year-old, French Author: Annie Ernaux.

Ms. Annie’s work is mostly autobiographical. She received the prize for the courage with which she exposes her life through literature.

She is awarded approximately $ 900,000 in US Dollar. The award was announced at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday. 

The prestigious international award for literature was conferred for first time in 1901 to Sully Prudhomme.

Rabindranath Tagore remains the only Indian to have won the Nobel prize for literature. Ridyard Kipling and Sir VS Naipaul are other winners with Indian connections.

About the Winner 

Annie Ernaux. Image Credit: The Nobel Foundation

Annie was born in 1940 in France. Her first book, Cleaned Out, was published in 1974. The book was translated into English in 1990. 

Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Prize for Peace has been awarded to one individual and 2 organisations. They are:

Human Rights advocate Ales Bialiatski from Belarus,

The Russian Human Rights Organization Memorial and

Ukrainian Human Right Organization Centre For Civil Liberties. 

About Ales 

Ales was born on 25 September 1962 and is a pro-democracy activist. He initiated the democratic movement in Belarus in mid 1980s. In 2020 he won the Right Livelihood Award widely known as alternative Nobel Prize.

About The Russian Human Rights Organization Memorial

The memorial was established in 1987. It is the largest human right organization in Russia and is involved in political oppression and Human Right violation in the country.

About centre of civil liberties

Founded in 2007, the organization advocates for civic activism, public opinion and boosting democracy in Ukraine. 

Nobel prize for Chemistry

The Nobel prize in Chemistry was awarded jointly to Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal, and  K. Barry Sharpless for the development of Click Chemistry and Bioorthigonal Chemistry. In Click Chemistry, molecules snap together fast and firmly without long complicated process without leaving any unwanted byproduct. 

Their work is used in the field of Science and Medicine, including the treatment of cancer. 

Images credit: official website of Nobel prize 

They prepared a special module just for you!

If you would like to understand this prize better, the Nobel Foundation has created a special module just for students!

The module can be accessed here.